Sports Halls

{tab title="No. 1 - Sporthall Scharren" class="blue"}

No. 1 - Sporthall Scharrena

Mercedesstraße 87, 70372 Stuttgart, Germania

No future without origin? As a traditional, medium-sized company, SCHARR has been committed to acting internationally and acting locally for more than 130 years. Our commitment in the course of the reconstruction of the Untertürkheimer Kurve at the Mercedes Benz Arena is therefore both a stroke of luck and a vision for us. As the namesake of the SCHARRena, we will be promoting top and popular sports in the Stuttgart region by the year 2021, but above all our team ALLIANZ MTV STUTTGART. The SCHARRena Stuttgart is a state-of-the-art sports hall with approx. 2,000 seats.

Developing the idea of „SCHARR“ and „ARENA“ SCHARRena is not only very coherent, but part of our communication strategy. Whether SCHARRMANT, SCHARRF or SCHARRDONAY our partners and customers perceive our winking way of advertising as pleasant and creative. As a side effect, we also save two letters in the lettering and thus live up to our reputation as a Swabian company.

The SCHARRena sports event hall offers many sports optimal training and playing conditions. Whether volleyball, handball, basketball, fencing, judo, gymnastics or dancing? We are very happy that there is now a new hotspot for sport in Stuttgart and wish all the fans an emotional moment in the SCHARRena Stuttgart.


{tab title="No. 2 - Sporthall Esslingen" class="green"}

No. 2 - Sporthall Esslingen

{tab title="No. 3 - Sporthall Untertürkheim" class="orange"}

No. 3 - Sporthall Untertürkheim

{tab title="No. 4 - Sporthall Nord" class="red"}

No. 4 - Sporthall Nord

{tab title="No. 5 - Sporthall Cannstatt" class="grey"}

No. 5 - Sporthall Cannstatt


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